Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Mid-August Update

I was away from the garden for a couple of weeks. There were a few things that made me sad when I reviewed the garden, but after applying a little TLC, I began to feel that order was being restored in the kingdom.

I managed to get a basic irrigation system in place before I left, but it still needs tweaking in order to really cover the entire garden. I think that I need more loops and timers in order to have enough pressure to run the emitters, or I need to try some different emitters.

When I opened the fabric cover on the cabbage, about a dozen cabbage moths flew out, but most of the cabbage still have healthy looking heads developing. I will try to be vigilant about finding and removing cabbage worms that will be developing.

I was also disappointed to find that the beefsteak tomatoes are showing signs of blossom end rot even though I added copious quantities of broken eggshells to the soil this spring (calcium). The cherry tomatoes in the same container do not have the same problem. I will check the soil pH and may apply a foliar calcium spray.

I found one misshapen and discolored cucumber girdled by chicken wire. I noticed the striped variety of cucumber beetle crawling on the fruit and saw several more on my squash flowers. Not sure how to deal with this new invader. Life was much simpler when I concentrated on growing salad greens...

In other areas of the garden, the cucumber, beets, and squash are not growing vigorously. I have ruled out inadequate watering as the problem and the addition of rich soil amendment (Bumper Crop) has also had little effect. I am thinking that infiltration of roots from the nearby silver maple may be an issue and have a plan for next year to raise my gardens with cinder blocks beyond its reach.

One variety that is growing great at this point is the green pepper. It is making lots of fruit and looks absolutely marvelous. It is growing in a separate container. The basil is ready for another harvesting and I will probably pick all of the remaining parsley, celery and lettuce this weekend. The lettuce and kale plants under lights in the basement will be planted out.

We got a good soaking last night and today, the first since July 25 when we got an inch or more of rain.

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