Everything has been growing well in this summer-like, early spring interlude with temperatures into the 80's. We planted 32 sugar snap peas, 32 sienna peas, 48 carrots (32 Nelson and 16 Laguna) and the rest of the kale that was started inside. This means that four garden frames are completely filled. I am planning to plant spinach in the remaining frame that will eventually hold the cherry tomatoes and basil for pesto.
I discovered that something had eaten several of the small kale seedlings that were set out a week ago (most likely slugs). This reminded me that I usually place cut-off half gallon milk containers over these seedlings and that keeps the harmful creatures away until the plants are large enough to take a little munching.
The strawberries have been cleaned up and fruit trees pruned. It is a good feeling to be on top of garden tasks this year. The weather forecast shows temperatures falling into the 20's early next week. It will be interesting to see how well everything copes with the cold.
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