Sunday was the first day of Daylight Savings Time. It is always a challenge to remember when it is DST and when it is "normal" time (UTC). The EU had a good idea by naming it "Summer Time". In Great Britain they use the acronym BST for "British Summer Time". Anyway, I took advantage of the longer daylight in the evening and the good weather to plant a couple of garden frames with lettuce.
In one frame, I used the traditional four plants to a square spacing all around the perimeter. In the center squares, I planted chard at four to a square. In another frame, I planted lettuce about one every 3 inches for a total of more than 150 plants. The idea is to start enough lettuce early that I will be able harvest baby greens and start eating fresh salads as early as possible. Both of these frames have been covered with plastic to protect them from frost and to encourage growth.
The next things on my list are to thin the strawberries back to four plants per square, to plant some beets and carrots and to prune the fruit trees.
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