Monday, September 3, 2018

First of September Report

I was surprised to find several snap peas already maturing this weekend (started 7/13), so I decided to get some more planted (~80). I managed to get the last packet of snap peas that were available at the Coop. They were already taken down from display and someone had to search for them in the back. I also planted some radishes directly in the garden and am planning to start some carrots inside, though they will probably not fully mature before winter.

We have harvested an amazing number of green beans from just eight plants started in mid-June. The peak production appears to have happened this weekend though many of the pods should have been picked a little earlier.

The zucchinis are suffering from powdery mildew. According to a quick web search, the following natural remedies may work: rinsing the leaves in the morning when they will have a chance to dry quickly; vinegar solution 2-3 TBSP per gallon of water; milk, one part milk to two parts water, applied once a week.

I took out two tomato plants recently that were turning yellow/purple and blighted. I may not have fertilized as much as I should have since the tomatoes in the next frame are looking very healthy.

The largest harvest of green beans this year 
(planted mid-June)

Black Swallowtail Caterpillar on Parsley

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