Monday, June 1, 2015

Second harvest and third frame planted

On Friday, my daughter harvested more lettuce and kale. It was enough to fill another large container which will last us for a week, but there is a lot more left to harvest (and share with others). The lettuce in frame two is almost of harvestable size and the coriander seeds yielded several starts (maybe parsely as well, it is difficult to tell them apart at this stage). On Saturday, the third frame was topped off with soil and planted with (18) lettuce starts, (12) ruby chard, (64) carrots, and (64) beets. The basil has finally recovered from transplant shock and we should be able to harvest some soon. We also purchased two large tomato plants which were transplanted into the pea cage and (4) smaller tomato plants that will go into the next frame that is built.

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