Monday, April 2, 2018

Greenhouse Clean House

The seeds that I started in the basement are doing well. First to appear were the alyssum, zinnia and choi/tatsoi; tomatoes, lettuce and chard are popping up now.

One 6' strand of incandescent rope light was only able to raise the temperature of the two trays to about 71 F while being on constantly, but that was sufficient. A higher temperature might lead to quicker and more thorough germination though. It is good to know that a single strand can safely heat two trays of seedlings without a thermostat.

In the greenhouse, I have been able to maintain the temperature around 80 F on sunny days by opening the ends. This sunny morning at 10am the temperature in the greenhouse was about 60 F after an overnight outside low of 27 F. I opened both ends of the greenhouse as the temperature is supposed to climb near 40 today and 50 tomorrow.

In the greenhouse, I planted about 200 Super Sugar Snap peas this morning after sprouting them for several days. I can fit about 80 peas in an 8' bed, planting them in two rows about every three inches apart. On Saturday, I also planted about 32 lettuce (salad bowl, black-seeded simpson, and coastal), mizuna, radish (easter egg, daikon), spinach, beets, and carrots.

Winter survivors

Greenhouse open for ventilation

Seedlings in the basement


Mizuna, Radish and Spinach

Beets and Carrots

First harvest (a lacinato kale that was starting to bolt)

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