I harvested almost all of the remaining tatsoi (~8 plants, 3 quarts) and transplanted a dozen more in soil blocks to garden frames. I have been relying on the tatsoi for greens while the kale is developing and the parsley is recovering from the last cutting. It is good in smoothies. I also harvested about 8 gallons of lettuce including a couple of the romaines that were started in March. After adding sprouts to my garden tally for this year, my total savings from the garden is over $150. I figured an average of 1 jar of sprouts per week, but have had as many as five jars going at one time.
The first planted peas are reaching beyond the top of the protective cages, so a trellis was constructed for them to grow on. I expect to see pea flowers any day now. The carrots that I planted back in March are only a couple of inches tall.
Tomorrow I will set up the irrigation system which will allow more time for constructive activities this summer (much less time watering).