Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weekend update

We finally saw a few breaks in the clouds today. It has been very gloomy with lots of rain falling every day since the end of the first week of May. Nothing compared with the flooding in the Midwest, but a challenge to the spirit nonetheless.

This weekend we planted seven blueberries, two currants and sixty onions. We also divided the roots of the comfrey that were planted last year to make a 15' x 20' comfrey patch. This will be used for making compost. I have ordered some sorghum grass that will ultimately be added to the compost pile as well. With luck we will be able to manufacture our own compost for the garden frames next year. At $40 per frame for the Bumper Crop product, plus lumber, chicken wire, landscape cloth, organic fertilizer, vermiculite and peat moss, building new frames is a fairly sizable investment; however one can expect to save more than that amount as a return on investment in a typical season.

On the one sunny day which is forecast for this weekend, I hope to get the tomato containers built, planted and settled on the front porch. Peonies are beginning to bud, the apple trees and quince bushes are the only thing blooming in the front yard except for a single protected tulip, eldest daughter picked what was left of the daffodils to give to a friend. We are anxiously awaiting the blooming of the irises and peonies to brighten up our front garden beds, we may even see the lilacs bloom this year.

1 comment:

  1. Comfrey makes lovely bouquets too.

    I found one blueberry on the bb bush earlier today. Gotta make teeny, tiny pancake.
