Looking at last year's photos, I am really feeling behind. It looks like the plants on May 5 of last year were far ahead of my plants now and I had already been eating greens for three weeks by this time. I did harvest some beet greens last weekend, but this was from beet plants that overwintered and were getting ready to bolt. I also harvested some carrots yesterday, but again this is from overwintered plants. Ah well...I intended to start tomatoes and peppers later this year to avoid frost and that turned out well, but I should have started greens a month earlier outside under plastic.
We are expecting sunny weather in the 80's for the next four days. I watered the garden this morning and stood back admiring the lettuce, onions, garlic and kale that are all approaching edible size. This weekend, I repaired frames that were damaged by snow and ice over the winter, and planted lettuce, chard and hot peppers at our friend David's garden.
Irises are in full bloom out front, but are just getting ready to bloom in the back. I saw some tulips still blooming on a shady side street. Star-of-bethlehem, oriental poppies, columbine, chestnut trees, white spirea and viburnum are blooming; Honeysuckle is beginning to fade.
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