Last Friday we harvested some more greens. We have been picking cherry tomatoes for the past couple of weeks. It looks like the big tomatoes need another couple of weeks to ripen.
I didn't plant any zucchini or crookneck squash this year, knowing that they are always in overabundance. Coincidentally, I was given a book of poetry yesterday and the first poem that I opened to is titled "Attack of the Squash People".
Queen-Anne's lace, flax and purple loosestrife were blooming along the roadsides on the way to the farm Saturday morning (white, purple and pink). Interestingly, only the flax is native to our land. This was also the first day that we noticed the sound of the cicada's, a sure sign of the approaching end of Summer.
I picked up some garlic from the farm stand and will be planting that as soon as I can get another garden frame built.
This morning is the first time I walked outside and felt like summer had arrived. You know, where the low temperature the previous evening is in the seventies instead of the fifties or low sixties? I believe that our July was the coolest and wettest on record.

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