Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mid-August Report

I was making mental notes for several weeks, then went away on vacation. I came back to find our vining tomatoes reaching the top of the 7' high protective enclosures and full of green fruit. I have some work to do this weekend to harvest chard, beets, onions, and carrots, and to prune back the tomato and potato plants that are beginning to overshadow everything else. The fall crop of lettuce, beets and chard which were planted in July are doing well. I will try planting more lettuce once I have applied some discipline to the garden.

There is at least one gladiolus at the front of the house that found its way to the sunshine this season. Something ate all of my lightly protected sunflowers. Could it be Woody the woodchuck? I wouldn't be surprised. Not much else is blooming right now except for morning glories. Check the previous back-dated post for the bloom and activity report for the rest of July.

Best regards,
ST Gardener