Friday, December 30, 2016

Two December Harvests

We have had two December harvests that have been supplying greens for salads, juicing and braising. I would say that the experiment this year in growing celery was a success and works well in salads and for juicing. The stalks are not as big as store-bought celery, but that may have something to do our struggles with tree roots.

I covered some of the greens with burlap or Agribon and that was enough to get them along this far. One frame containing several kale will be covered with plastic to protect against the deep of winter for an early spring harvest.

I managed to build one of the new frames that is really just a big container, but it will prevent the tree roots from invading and will provide a large surface for succession planting various greens.

By the time I was ready to move the fish, the pond had frozen over, so I am going to have to keep a hole in the ice for oxygen until spring and hope for the best.